


Repatriation Flights from Doha (updated 07 August 2020)





The Liaison Office of South Africa (LOSA) wishes to inform all South African Nationals and Permanent Residents who are in Taiwan and wish to be repatriated to South Africa that the flights listed below during the month of August are approved repatriation flights.


Details of the flights are as follows:

¡P       Dates                                        :         10, 14, 17, 21 and 24 August 2020

¡P       Flight Number                           :         (QR 747) from DOHA to Johannesburg

¡P       Departure time from Doha        :         10h10

¡P       Arrival in South Africa               :         18h05 (same day)


Bookings must be done directly with the airline or through an agent. LOSA does not assist with ticket bookings.

Only Persons registered with the Mission and approved for repatriation may utilize this flight. If you are not yet registered please email taipei.dha@dirco.gov.za for assistance with registering.

Once you have your ticket please email it the above email address and LOSA will issue you with a travel letter which you can collect from our office.




